Virginia Access to Justice Commission
In 2013, the Supreme Court of Virginia established the Virginia Access to Justice Commission. The Commission was established to ensure that an entity is actively coordinating and promoting access to justice efforts in the Commonwealth. The Commission focuses on the civil legal needs of Virginia residents, while continually assessing and being responsive to access to justice challenges. The formation of the Virginia Access to Justice Commission is consistent with Vision 3 of the current Strategic Plan for Virginia’s Judicial System, which states that Virginia’s courts will “maintain human dignity and provide effective access to justice for all persons.”
The Commission brings together judges, lawyers, representatives from legal aid and social services, as well as other stakeholders to promote equal access to justice in Virginia. Under the leadership of Co-Chairs Justice Stephen McCullough, Supreme Court of Virginia, and John Whitfield, Executive Director, Blue Ridge Legal Services, Inc, the Commission coordinates access to justice activities among various groups, mobilizes legal professionals to provide legal services to low income individuals, encourages the development of auxiliary resources for underserved populations, and makes the courts more accessible for all citizens.

Court Self Help
The Virginia Judicial System Court Self-Help Website provides resources for those who wish to represent themselves in litigation. Here you’ll find tools as well as some answers to frequently asked questions about the legal system in Virginia.

Virginia Lawyer Referral Service
The Virginia Lawyer Referral Service connects individuals to lawyers in their communities for an initial half-hour consultation at the rate of $35.

Virginia Legal Aid Providers
Virginia is home to 10 legal aid societies that serve low-income families and individuals.

VSB Access to Legal Services/Pro Bono
The VSB Pro Bono Section helps connect lawyers with service opportunities, while also providing resources for those in need.

Pro Bono CLE Library
The Virginia Law Foundation provides access to free online seminars with CLE credit for attorneys dedicated to filling the justice gap through pro bono representation.

Justice Server
This tool enables attorneys to easily volunteer their time for pro bono cases, and facilitates connections with clients in need.
The Virginia Access to Justice Commission does not provide legal representation or services.